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Avoid the Cold with a Remote Car Starter

You’re getting ready to head to work or drop the kids off at school. It’s the dead of winter. You don’t have the convenience of parking your car in a garage, so you know your car is going to be frigid. You could bundle everyone up, pile in, and just shiver together until it warms up. You could pray spring comes quickly—or you could buy a remote car starter from Waxwerks of Castleton.

The Benefits of a Remote Starter

You could probably rattle off a hundred reasons to get a remote car starter, but here are just a few of the benefits we’ve heard from our satisfied customers:

With the push of a button, you can have all these benefits of a remote car starter and more.

Top-of-the-Line Car Starters

At Waxwerks, we don’t mess around with subpar products. We have a variety of high-quality remote car starters that include features like arm or disarm, trunk release, temperature check, enhanced security, and more. We even carry models that sync with your smartphone so you can start your car with the use of an app. Plus, you can count on our team of technicians to install your car starter right the first time.

Find Out More

Ready to stay out of the cold and find out more about a remote car starter? Contact Waxwerks today at (317) 577-9700 to talk with one of our trained staff members. Waxwerks is located in the Castleton area in Indianapolis, IN, and is easily accessible for any Indianapolis resident. We’d be glad to tell you all about your options as well as tell you about any other car accessories, window tinting, and electronics that can enhance your life.


photo credit: public domain via pixabay


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